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  • Client: Obec Štrba
  • Date: 2012
  • Info: Štrbské Pleso – pavements

Our company LIGHTECH® is the author of the design of illumination and illumination of the sidewalk and cross-country trails around Štrbské Pleso, in the High Tatras.

Štrbské Pleso is one of the most visited tourist resorts, with a wide range of different activities for winter and summer tourism. Around the pond there is a natural walkway, which is used by countless tourists and athletes, especially for walks, sports walks, cross-country skiing or seatings.

The lake is the second largest in Slovakia, and the only highest bay in Central Europe without a river tributary.

LIGHTECH® – as a comprehensive designer – has designed a revitalization of the infrastructure of this tourism destination and has completed the reconstruction of the entire outdoor lighting of the sports and recreational area.

In February 2011, the first stage of the site’s lighting revitalization was completed, which also included the new construction and reconstruction of the public lighting of the basic cross-country skiing trail, as well as lighting the walk around the lake and all the adjacent paths, including the parking lot of the well-known Patria Hotel.

In the framework of the reconstruction, we used lamps with a historical design – MICENAS IJM INDAL – these lamps were used for high pressure halogen halves CMH 70W in the number of 110 pcs. The shape, color design and curve of the luminaires were chosen with emphasis on the subtlety of the lighting system in the protected nature zone of the High Tatras. The reconstruction of public lighting also included the illumination of the small architecture of the SNP memorial, which became a pleasant venue for evening sitting on benches.

Within the framework of the reconstruction, 110 light places were built and reconstructed, including a cable line and a remote controlled public lighting switchboard.

As a result of the reconstruction of the public lighting of the pavements in the vicinity of Lake Štrbské Pleso, the trail is attributed to the tourist significance and attractiveness of this unique lake in Central Europe. It allows relaxation and use of sports for the general public and night hours and, last but not least, increases the reputation of Slovakia in the eyes of domestic and foreign tourism clients.