Company and staffing
We are a team of independent and creative people focused on complex, conceptual design and realization of lighting.
Light is everywhere, it defines our living space, creates feelings, conditions, values. We try to grab and work with it as best as we can. We cooperate with architects, invetors, building operators, towns, and sport facilities. Since 2000 we have had the opportunities and possibilities to design and bring to life many designs and user-oriented lighting solutions. Everyday we work on modern, innovative and energy effective lighting solutions, where the center of our interests are our clients and their needs.
We search for and design lighting, which enriches the space, creates emotions and stays in memory of users as well as visitors.
We cooperate and draw experiences, informations from portfolio of important producers of lighting technologies, as well as scientifical institutions, museums, schools and science projects. We attend conferences, expositions, professional seminars and we are also involved in process of normalization and legislation.
We are trying to have wide view and own opinion about trends and inovations in visual form of lighting, technical implementation, operation system, software, especially in user needs.
We care about economy of energy, we have enviromental responsibility. Even with simple lighting we can create excellent visual results, if we dedicate enough time for it. We also care about financial limits of client.
Professionality and interest of our team consiting of experts in design area, development, realization, lighting and operation system maintenance is a guarantee of your long-term satisfaction and sustainability. Creating the space for safety, higher work quality, fun, sport, rest at home and higher quality of life is simply what we enjoy doing.
Our long-term goal is to bring complex and independet services to client, while independent from supply chain of project, by looking for financial suitable solution of lighting.
If the client is interested in further cooperation, we can make a deal to continue on project, for example: warranty and post-warranty service, montage of specific and difficult solutions with emphasis on saving operation costs.
Our credo is to be bearer of inovations with using complex and conceptual solutions.
We put effort on objectivity and independence of information for business partners, architects, investors, operators and self-governments about possibilities of increasing quality and saving lighting.
One of our main activities is to create tender documentations for selection of lighting realization suppliers. We defend clients interests and save his money. Even the good project can be senseless if it is done right and if we implement quality.
Great part of projects implemented by us consists of illuminaiting systems for municipalities, flats, houses, restaurants, offices, industry, hotels, parks, multifunctional buildings and illuminations of buildings…
We provide our service to companies which provide EPC services.