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  • Client: Kostol sv. Vendeliná v obci ZUBEREC
  • Date: 2011

Church of St. Vendelín in ZUBEREC

Investor:                                  Farnosť Zuberec

Project a realization:               2010 – 2011

End of project:              October 2011

The primary purpose was the reconstruction of church lighting. The electrical installation in the church did not meet the current claim and posed a serious risk.

Over time, parishioners have decided to reconstruct the entire interior, including floor heating, air conditioning, lamellar replacement and church interior fittings, all divans including data and sound, interior equipment and organ upgrading. Reconstruction of outdoor lighting and building modifications arose as a natural part of the building.

Arch. Babčan had the opportunity to continue with the modernization that he began several years ago and brought to the church the purity of the shapes, the considerable clarification and simplification of the shapes. The church, despite the basic features of neogothicism, is very modern, clean and easy. Our task was to increase these perceptions. We have taken care that the lights and their positioning are very discreet for the observer and that they act undisturbed, without glare. Lighting is controlled through various lighting scenes.

The implementation team of our company has used almost all the experience of lighting and reconstruction of sacral buildings. Complete reconstruction of electrical installations, lighting connections, emergency lighting, outdoor lighting, air conditioning, data and multimedia distribution was done. The implementation itself was preceded by a multi-month pre-project preparation, architectural design and cooperation with Mr. Arch. Ing. Babčanom on the concept of lighting the church and the new interior of the interior, which we gradually incorporated into the project documentation.

The inhabitants, as well as the visitors of the well-known tourist village of Zuberec, have achieved this work, historically significant Neo-Gothic church with modern technical equipment and interiors.

Reconstruction of lighting, air conditioning and heating has made savings in electricity consumption of 60%, which will greatly contribute to reducing the church’s operating costs. Light switching is divided into several stages or scenes according to the meaning and purpose of the festivities. The intensity of the illumination and the brightness of the altar are set to extremely high levels, and therefore the church is very pure and full of light. On the other hand, our task was for it to be possible to project pictures with dataprojectors on the walls, even with such high levels of brightness. Using appropriate setting of reflector lamps and the use of different shades  we have fulfilled this requirement as well.

Many residents of the village participated in the renovation of the church, and despite the fact that they had no experience with reconstruction of the sacral monuments, their approach was very professional and the work was above average quality and done professionally.